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Leadership in CAD/CAM and digital technology
In the past, we relied on Academic protocols as the fall back with regards to clinical or technical solutions provided by manufacturing and supply companies. There is normally a passing of the baton within Speciality groups such as Prosthodontist, Endodontist, Periodontist, Orthodontist, Dental Prosthetist, Dental Technician, etc.
Now we rely more on the advice provided by your favourite www. search engine and/or manufacturing and supply companies on what works and why they might be the best solution.
This is a broad statement but there are very few leaders within the Dental Profession with the application/workflow experience and knowledge of all of the CAD/CAM and digital technology available in Australia.
Today the knowledge and expertise of CAD/CAM technology resides within the industry. This can be seen as driving new business and new players (industry) all coming from different industries with no dental background. Just thinking CAD/CAM or 3D printing from the engineering, jewellery or architectural industries, dentistry is the miniature version of engineering solutions with materials and techniques matching clinical applications.
Perceptions to note: “CAD/CAM and Digital Technology”…
Perceptions are different for everybody. We all absorb knowledge and experience differently whether it be oral, visual or written. Even then our perception to this information is different.
There is a perception that dental CAD/CAM technology can make the decisions for the dental professional by pushing the button. You “just push a button” without understanding the fundamentals of materials, clinical techniques and the dentistry. Generally chairside systems are focused on crown and bridge and not full arch reconstruction. Perception is the chairside scanner can do it all – I/O scanners can do full arch for Orthodontics, full mouth Implant cases or removable prosthetics.
Misconceptions to note: “CAD/CAM and Digital Technology”…
It would be a misconception to think that dental CAD/CAM technology has advanced to the point that non-dentally trained individuals could run the technology and fabricate restorations. This is not the case. Rather, clinical, functional, and aesthetic success of CAD/CAM restorations necessitates operation by an intelligent dental professional who can visualise what the proposed restorative should be in the 3-dimensional (3D) world.
Lack of understanding of the system purchased, understanding the clinical and technical applications, personal bias or lack of first-hand experience often generates these misconceptions. There are differences in applying the various CAD/CAM and digital technology solutions – such as I/O scanners, laboratory scanners, software (CAD), milling (CAM), 3D printing (CAM), materials available, education, support and manufacturers. Not all software talks to other software and there should not be an expectation to “push the button”. Dental Laboratories will and should consider two versions of CAD software.CADCAM Dentistry_Perceptions and Misconceptions _Considerations in choosing your solution